This 112-page hardback Battletome features exclusive gaming content and all you need to start collection Bonesplitterz.
- Three Battleplans detailing epic battles, showing you how this wild band of orruks fights;
- Artefacts of Power: artefacts crafted from the corpses of the Bonesplitterz’ prey, usable by their heroes;
- Lore of the Savage Waaagh!: powerful magic, both defensive and offensive, specifically for Bonesplitterz wizards;
- Nine Warscroll Battalions, collections of miniatures who gain special abilities when combined.
- Tips for collecting their miniatures – what sort of army do you want to play? How do you want to paint them? We’ll show you some great ideas;
- An overview of the Bonesplitterz and their savage Waaagh! across the mortal realms – Who are they? Why do they fight? Who is their boss?