War! The Galactic Republic reels from the blow dealt by the the fledgling Separatist Alliance. But even in this age of uncertainty and disunion, heroes arise. Legendary Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi valiantly leads dedicated clone pilots into battle against the forces of tyranny and chaos in theÃÂ¥ÃÂGuardians of the Republic Squadron PackÃÂ¥ÃÂforÃÂ¥ÃÂX-Wing!
This pack gives you everything you need to begin building your Galactic Republic squadrons, including one Delta-7ÃÂ¥ÃÂAetherspriteÃÂ¥ÃÂminiature and two V-19 Torrent miniatures. The chosen interceptor of many Jedi, the Delta-7 allows them to use their Force-enhanced reflexes to the fullest. Behind them, clone pilots cover them from their V-19 Torrents with coordinated fire, tight formation flying, and salvoes of missilies. In addition to the miniatures, thisÃÂ¥ÃÂSquadron PackÃÂ¥ÃÂgives you the chance to further explore the potential of the Force with several new Force upgrade cards. Meanwhile, a wealth of other upgrade cardsâ°ÃÂÃÂincluding reprints of many common neutral upgrade cardsâ°ÃÂÃÂprovide a wealth of options for customizing your squadrons.
Within thisÃÂ¥ÃÂSquadron Pack, you'll find:
- 5 Delta-7ÃÂ¥ÃÂAetherspriteÃÂ¥ÃÂShip Cards:
- 1 Mace Windu
- 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
- 1 Plo Koon
- 1 Saesee Tiin
- 1 Jedi Knight
- 9 V-19 Torrent Starfighter Ship Cards:
- 1 "Axe"
- 1 "Kickback"
- 1 "Odd Ball"
- 1 "Swoop"
- 1 "Tucker"
- 2 Blue Squadron Protector
- 2 Gold Squadron Trooper
- 21 Talent Upgrade Cards:
- 2 Composure
- 2 Crack Shot
- 2 Dedicated
- 2 Expert Handling
- 2 Intimidation
- 2 Juke
- 1 Lone Wolf
- 2 Marksmanship
- 2 Saturation Salvo
- 2 Swarm Tactics
- 2 Trick Shot
- 3 Force Power Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Battle Meditation
- 1 Brilliant Evasion
- 1 Predictive Shot
- 8 Missile Upgrade Cards:
- 2 Cluster Missiles
- 2 Concussion Missiles
- 2 Homing Missiles
- 2 Proton Rockets
- 4 Astromech Upgrade Cards:
- 1 R4 Astromech
- 1 R4-P Astromech
- 1 R4-P17
- 1 R5 Astromech
- 2 Configuration Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Calibrated Laser Targeting
- 1 Delta-7B
- 12 Modification Upgrade Cards:
- 2 Afterburners
- 1 Electronic Baffle
- 2 Munitions Failsafe
- 1 Spare Parts Canisters
- 1 Static Discharge Vanes
- 2 Stealth Device
- 3 Synchronized Console