During a game ofÃÂ¥ÃÂX-Wing Second Edition, youâ°ÃÂêll secretly select your shipsâ°ÃÂê movements using cardboard maneuver dials included in each ship expansion and theÃÂ¥ÃÂScum and Villainy Conversion Kit. Now, you can further customize the aesthetics of your squadron by situating each shipâ°ÃÂês maneuver dial within a stylish and secure plastic housing.
TheÃÂ¥ÃÂScum and Villainy Maneuver Dial Upgrade KitÃÂ¥ÃÂprovides three sculpted plastic dial casings that announce your affiliation with the galaxyâ°ÃÂês most feared bounty hunters and criminals. Additionally, these plastic maneuver dials provide an easy way for you to differentiate your dialsâ°ÃÂÃÂeach dial includes a space on the back for you to insert a dial ID token that displays a silhouette of the corresponding ship. Choose your speed and style!