In the vast depths of space, one can find countless wondersâ°ÃÂÃÂcomets with icy trails, nebulas filled with ionizing gas, or even living creatures, like mynocks, hiding within wreckage.
In addition to asteroids, debris fields, and gas clouds, theÃÂ¥ÃÂNever Tell Me the Odds Obstacles PackÃÂ¥ÃÂcontains six environment cards that reflect a few of the strange and terrifying places a space battle could erupt. Each environment card changes the placement or rules around obstacles, adding variety to yourÃÂ¥ÃÂX-WingÃÂ¥ÃÂgames!
Within this expansion, you'll find:
- 9 Asteroids
- 3 Debris Fields
- 3 Gas Clouds
- 1 Loose Cargo
- 1 Spare Parts
- 2 Upgrade Cards:
- 1 Rigged Cargo Chute
- 1 Spare Parts Canisters
- 6 Environment Cards:
- 1 Asteroid Shower
- 1 Clouzon-36 Deposits
- 1 Comet Tail
- 1 Ion Clouds
- 1 Mynock Infestation
- 1 Recent Wreckage
- 3 Strain Tokens
- 2 Standard Charges