In all of Westeros, there are many a swordsman or woman who lay claim to be the best in all the land, but unless they were one of the seven of the Kingâ°ÃÂês Guard, that boast would most assuredly be simply hot air. The Kingâ°ÃÂês Guard include the seven best soldiers in the kingdom. With the duty of protecting the king from harm, they have to be.
The Lannister Heroes II set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game brings many new options for Lannister Commanders. Included in the set are the seven Kingâ°ÃÂês Guard, each one a character with their own stats and special abilities. Also included is King Joffrey Baratheon. Considering how popular Joffrey is as king, the Kingâ°ÃÂês Guard will certainly have their work cut out for them.
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.